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    #Earth Day is celebrated annually on April 22nd! The main task of the day is to remind people of this responsibility, of the global threats and challenges facing our common home. And the most important thing is to call for urgent practical actions in the interests of preserving life on Earth.
    Sensory education is of particular importance in the development of children. The development of sensations and perceptions creates the necessary prerequisites for the emergence of all other, more complex cognitive processes (memory, imagination, thinking).
    The period of preschool childhood is a period of intensive sensory development of the child.

    April 12th! Three, two, one, let's go! Congratulations on Cosmonautics Day!

    International Bird Day is an ecological holiday celebrated annually on April 1st.

    March 21 - Happy Nauryz holiday!

    March 14 is a "Sunny day" according to Kazakh knowledge, it is the first day of spring. On this day, people say their best and best wishes to each other.

    24 Fine motor skills are the ability to perform small and precise movements with the hands and fingers as a result of coordinated actions of the most important systems: nervous, muscular and bone. Fine motor skills have a very important feature. It is associated with the nervous system, vision, attention, memory and perception of the child.

    October 29th
    Autumn festival.
    For children, this day is always long-awaited, exciting, fraught with laughter, good mood and a huge "sea" of positive emotions.


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